ECON 412
Overview of least squares techniques; departure from standard assumptions: generalized least squares, instrumental variables estimation and generalized method of moments; maximum likelihood estimation; generalization to models with multiple dependent variables: Seemingly Unrelated Regressions, Vector Auto-Regressions, Simultaneous Equations Models; Introduction to Time Series Econometrics.
ECON 432
Analysis of problems created by informational asymmetries between agents and how to design contracts to solve these problems; Topics covered include adverse selection, screening, signaling, and moral hazard; Applications to insurance, labor, and credit markets, auctions, and corporate finance.
ECON 452
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 455
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 458
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 430
The use of laboratory and field experiments as a data collection method for understanding economic decisions and testing economic theories; how to design a good and valid economics experiment, the methodology of experimental design. The topics that will be studied theoretically and experimentally in the course include decision-making under risk and uncertainty, decision-making over time and related psychological phenomena/biases, market experiments, bargaining experiments, social preferences, fairness and altruism, incentive schemes and motivation, gender and economic decisions.
ECON 451
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 454
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 457
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 480
This course will examine the role played by institutions and political economy considerations in determining overall economic performance. The course aims to describe the role and evolution of institutions in economic growth, to understand basic models of politics, and to provide an introduction to the dynamic effects of fiscal and monetary policy. By the end of the course, students should be able to understand the the role of institutional failure, models of governance and mis-governance, optimal fiscal policy, and the concepts of reputation, credibility, and time inconsistency.
ECON 422
International financial markets and emerging market economies: the context, record, and recent developments; Recent developments in exchange rate and monetary policy regimes; Financial crisis in emerging markets and industrial economies: key issues and lessons; IMF: Its role, functions, and critiques; Issues surrounding public debt and sovereign defaults.
ECON 450
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 453
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 456
Topics will be announced when offered.
ECON 459
Topics will be announced when offered.