Leading in Impact in Business and Administrative Sciences

Leading in Impact in Business and Administrative Sciences

Release Date 2024-05-24 13:00

Awards and Honors

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International Student Awards 2023

We are proud to announce that our student, Dirja Mahendra Atmaja from the International Relations Department of the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, represented Koç University at the International Student Awards 2023, organized by the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). Dirja won the award for the "Best Entrepreneurship Idea" category. The "Easy Fund" app for the Turkish banking industry aims to ease financial management for businesses and employees by integrating financial advice and support into the bank's existing mobile application, reducing financial stress and boosting work performance. The project targets B2B clients and will undergo a 6-month research and design phase, followed by 4 months of development, with a strong focus on user experience and advanced AI features.