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Seda Ertaç Güler



Seda Ertac received her PhD from UCLA in 2006. After a postdoctoral position at the University of Chicago, she became a faculty member in the department of economics at Koc University in 2008. Professor Ertac's main area of expertise is experimental economics. She does both laboratory and field experiments, and her research contributes to three main areas:
1) understanding the determinants and malleability of preferences, attitudes and non-cognitive skills starting from childhood; designing interventions to improve outcomes through changing these skills,
2) studying gender differences in economic behavior and policies to mitigate inefficient gender gaps,
3) studying information processing and related policies such as performance feedback in the workplace and in educational contexts.

Her recent research particularly focuses on using experimental methods within the context of policy-related questions in education. She also does research on neuroeconomics. Professor Ertac's research to date has been supported by the European Commission (ERC Consolidator Grant, Marie Curie IRG), the Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), the US National Science Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation.

Ertac has received the TUBITAK Encouragement Award, the Outstanding Young Scientist Award of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) and the BAGEP Award of the Science Academy. Professor Ertac is an Associate Editor at the European Economic Review, serves on the Executive Committee of the Economic Science Association, and is a member of the Science Academy.

Research areas

Experimental Economics , Economics of Education



PhD, University of California, Los Angeles


Master’s, University of California, Los Angeles


Bachelor’s, Bilkent University



TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award


TÜBA Outstanding Young Scientists Awards