Decoding the Wisdom of Blind Crowds: Quantifying Herd Behavior and Bias in Information Sharing

Date and Time Date and Time

2024-03-15 14:00

2024-03-15 15:15

Map Location

CASE 124

Decoding the Wisdom of Blind Crowds: Quantifying Herd Behavior and Bias in Information Sharing

We are pleased to host Dr. Enes Eryarsoy from Sabancı Business School on March 15, to give a talk titled 'Decoding the wisdom of blind crowds: Quantifying herd behavior and bias in information sharing.'  

The presentation will take place on Friday, March 15, 2024, from 11:00 to 12:15 at CASE 124.  

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Lifelong Learning

Speaker Information

Enes Eryarsoy