Cities, migration, memories in the Context of the Mediterranean

Date and Time Date and Time

2024-03-20 16:00

2024-03-20 18:00

Map Location

CASE Faculty Lounge (CASE 127)

Cities, migration, memories in the Context of the Mediterranean

The Zoom option is available only during the seminar for those who like to listen online.

Passcode: 337525


In addition to the seminar, there will be an exclusive opportunity for graduate students to engage with Prof. Zapata-Barrero in a meeting scheduled at 16:00 for one hour, also at CASE 127.


Prof. Zapata-Barrero's expertise in the field promises an enlightening discussion, offering valuable insights into the complex dynamics of urban migration studies within the Mediterranean context.


We encourage you to mark your calendars for this enriching event and extend this invitation to your colleagues and peers who might be interested.


Should you have any inquiries or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at


See below for more details about our distinguished speaker, his research interests and the abstract.

We look forward to welcoming you. 🎓


CASE, MiReKoc & BROAD-ER Project Team

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Lifelong Learning

Speaker Information

Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona